just a strange observation here this guy managed to give very large gifts away and end up with no money, just before he got blocked, how is this possible?
12-28-08 17:44: Player blocked. // Financial assist, unsigned multichars. karamel, karamelka, Ymi
12-15-08 21:39: Transferred item(s): 'Sword of might [E9A9W9]' [73/80] to Maia . Transaction price: 1 Gold
12-15-08 20:14: Transferred item(s): 'Great hunter boots' [10/10] to SONYcz
12-15-08 20:14: Transferred item(s): 'Great hunter shield' [10/10] to SONYcz
12-15-08 20:14: Transferred item(s): 'Master hunter maskrobe' [10/10] to SONYcz
12-15-08 20:11: Transferred 35 Gems 50 Crystals 33 Sulfur 54 Mercury 52 Ore 15 Wood to SONYcz : gift (************* looks to me like he knew it was coming and this may even be another of his multis, but obviously im not saying it definately is, but somehow he did know he was getting blocked it seems)
12-15-08 20:09: Transferred element(s): 'Viper venom' 1 pcs. to Maia
12-15-08 20:09: Transferred element(s): 'Abrasive' 5 pcs. to Maia
12-15-08 20:08: Transferred element(s): 'Witch bloom' 1 pcs. to Maia
12-15-08 20:08: Transferred element(s): 'Toadstool' 5 pcs. to Maia
12-15-08 19:59: Transferred item(s): 'Great hunter amulet' [10/10] to marked_one . Transaction price: 1 Gold |