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AuthorRent Market... TGI
I figure this idea should be separated from the Rent Market idea, considering it is a good that is handled very differently than most.

The idea is to allow Thief Invites on the market, specifically the Rental Market as depicted by this thread:


I can see how it would be difficult to implement so here are my thoughts on the addition:

Parameters to be determined by the lot holder:

• Initial cost (in gold, as frequently seen 20k or so) to be paid upon rental.

• Time limit before reaching TG level 2. Usually seen 3-4 weeks at maximum.

• Overdue daily rates, in the case of the player not reaching TG 2 in time allotted. This should be large to discourage slacking; as one should grind out the Caravans when renting an Invite. This is where it gets complicated. An amount of gold will be automatically deducted from the renting party each day after the Time limit until he or she reaches TG 2. They will continue to be charged until they reach a negative gold value... as one would losing a staked Tavern match after losing all their gold in roulette during the match. In the event that the renting party chooses to quit the TG guild because they cannot reach TG 2 in time; or in the event that they go negative in funds due to the overdue penalties, ALL gained experience, faction skill and TG skill points will be revoked... as well as any bonuses received from TG level 1 and their admission to the Thief's guild. Upon this final penalty the renter will have their Invite returned and will be allowed to keep all acquired payments up until that point. A Key point is that the renting party can choose to have this done if they feel they wont make TG 2 within the time limit set.

••• This will also prevent a player from starting the Thief Guild, and subsequently quitting the game all together... causing the renter to lose their Thief Invite.

• Thief Art from TG level 2. Because this system provides security to the renter, there will be no way to ask for a 3rd or 4th Thief Art. Also, to prevent abuse, it will be mandatory that the first Thief Art be automatically transferred to the renter. This way one cannot quit the Thief guild when reaching TG 1 and doing it all over again just to get the arts.

One more very important rule: You will not be allowed to level up while renting a Thief Invite! It would work quite the same as not leveling after a tournament combat. You will gain earned levels after completing the terms of rental. This is to prevent major problems in the loss of experience upon termination of the rental whether it be automatically or by the renting party's decision. As of yet there hasn't been a need to work out a de-leveling scenario... and there should be no reason to with the way this works.

I hope that isn't too far-fetched or convoluted :)
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