Those 3 are doing group battles together the whole day already.
02-16-09 15:02: polizei[6] vs utu[6] vs njask[6] vs sush[6]
02-16-09 13:53: njask[6], utu[6] vs polizei[6], zeliboma1[6]
02-16-09 13:00: CapitanItalia[6] vs utu[6] vs njask[6] vs Germanius741852[6]
02-16-09 12:11: utu[6] vs polizei[6] vs DazzaMcNazza[6] vs njask[6]
02-16-09 11:10: njask[6] vs utu[6] vs NikeBoy[6] vs polizei[6]
Those 3 are doing group battles together the whole day already.
That isnt against the rules, they can be good friends that play with each other. Its only against the rules if both characters are controlled by the same person