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AuthorHighest damage you've ever seen?
Well,as the topic says^^
My highest i think was something with..1200 dmg or something like that..the highest i wrote down was about 1050 or so^^
Of course there also have already been much higher with my efk,but i talk about single atters^^ or also post efk,doesn't matter,just HIGH xD
well i got 736 damage with succubi aginst wolf riders at lvl 7
on hunt, modern golem deal 11k dmgs. ...
In my info you can see my damage on 6lvl ^_^
rat 2008 deals 4578 damage to poisoners. 1 Perish.

This is the highest damage in game as far as I know
rat 2008 deals 4578 damage to poisoners. 1 Perish.

This is the highest damage in game as far as I know

there was a 6919 in the game in case u missed it. Straight after the 4578.
9390 done by 3k golems

11351 by ~3k golems, 1 efk perish
I havent seen it but Kiaune the best elf in this game wrights in his personal info:

Highest hit received in battle:
Golems deal 30206 damage to Elite forest keepers. 1 perish.

If that is true.. then i think its the highest damage ever in the game..
hey guys u should check the russian server

it was a very high damage dealt by a players monster and not a monster in hunt to deal that much it was like 30k dmg

and by the way have u seen 2 poisoners with luck deal 82 dmg well i have and i got crazy
seriously guys u should check the russian server
Golems deal 30206 damage to Elite forest keepers. 1 perish
a stack of 7750 golems
for Sven91:
it's boring... Show YOUR damage.
my damage is boring :P
highest ive done is somewhere around 1500
and highest monsters have done to me is like 2000 max
My highest:

Luck befalls Shrews!
Shrews deal 4421 damage to Zombies. 260 perish.
my 2 poisoners have dealt a 39 damage with no luck , well suppose it was lucky lol it would be 78 lol , it was against 3 demons in a ambush 2 poisoners killed 3 demons to open that way for lizards lol .
well, no point to discuss as it is a sure for NPC deal greater dmg than player, especially in hunt; look on the size of those hunt LOL
well i remember seeing kusika deal 11k with shrews
for Romiah:

Doubt that very much
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