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AuthorWhen someone goes afk?
Ok, I am hating when people leave or go afk. It basically wastes the afker's team's time, equipment durability, and again, time. My suggestion is that when someone leaves, he/she has the ability to press an "exit" button. When pressed, the computer automatically takes over his/her army. This also applies to when someone waits for five turns straight. The rule where the afker gets no gold, exp, and loses 2 luck still applies, no matter in a win or a loss. Don't know if this has been thought of yet.
thought of tons of times
Ok, well I guess this can be closed now lol...
if i misclicked =(
I think this game need upgrade more feature about the afk by kick the player who are afk before checking people in the chat begin the game. Or put players to put 'name' block certain people can't join the game.
Oh yea. Another suggestion.... When afk being for 2 min will automation computer do game. Player will not play if s/he return and earn no exp too.
closed by Shebali (2009-03-13 11:02:03)
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