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Possibility to pass by if no hunt assistant joins the battle

AuthorPossibility to pass by if no hunt assistant joins the battle
Sometimes it's hard to find a hunting partner, especially at higher levels.

It would be nice to have the option to pass by such a hunt, if no one joined after 5 minutes.

A simple question like "No one joined the hunt, do you wish to pass by: Yes/No" would be enough.
To be precise: For the case, that someone joins, you or your partner shouldn't have this option.
Agree .. totally agree .. ^^ !!
i agree or u can have it give u another 5 min?
yeah i agree
i juz saw an elf fight 1k plus farmers alone :P
for cyberclops:

Big wow i seen elf fight 19k farmers
Big wow i seen elf fight 19k farmers

think he means at his level =)
ok its not such a great deal
but for a lvl 6 elf with no tier 2 upgrade
that would hav entered records
but he lost :(
Agree .. totally agree .. ^^ !!


great idea..:-)
its a good idea ^^
It won't be a problem at high levels like level 12 if you think so. By that time you would have made many friends and hunting partners, and if you ask a level 12 thats online to help you, 99% tiem they will help you if they can.
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