johnthoo and moneyface have been feeding from these accounts countinuesly without a transfer reason. (johnthoo from all and moneyface from knight_guy and hunteronly)
All 5 have constant contacts. been transferring large amounts of gold in between. No matter who the gold is to, there are certain transfers far more than 30% per months gift limit.
street1king and street90king cant be more obvious. And how many times did street1knig recive whats called "prize" for winning? also bad transfer reasons like "hahaha"
kingboy feeding from multi michaelIam88, howyking88888 feeding from kitty88. michaelking and howyking have constand contacts.
(howyking88888 got fined once for finansial assisting and his first multi howyking8888 got blocked)
Just check their logs and u will get an idea. Connected accounts with A LOT of unstated transfers between them. Couldn't even be bothered to post all their logs, but the important and the roots are posted.