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AuthorWanna Complain About AFKER
kokoroko2 this guy suck, when start game put title No AFK, but after the starting and i was able to kill his elv bowmen, he comfirm lose already, so he afk and let me get less EXP.
nothing we can do.... People don't call this game Lords of AFK for nothing. But heavier penalties will just result in popularity decrease and will not be fair to those who don't live in areas that often have blackouts or contries with slow connection. Just avoid him next time you play.
I think u should put this on Complaints section .. but for me honestly I will put the afk guy on my blacklist and tell all my friends to avoid him / her on any battles .. that's all I can do .. ^^
I know GMs cant do anything about this, and the game takes care of kill afkers.

But, the damage on luck for an hour is terrible. If the player dont want to play on next hour, he has nothing to lose. I think this damage should last much more, like a day. Or at least, more time. The AFK will think twice if he wants to play along the day.
luck penalty for 1 day? so, is that mean even any trouble causing from ISP, then player should take the innocent penalty?
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Off-game forum".
LOL maybe can set the rules like after 1-3 time afk then will be penalty for whole day -2 luck. Cause we cant judge the guys to be afk from the first time, but if he did it 3 time, Hmm... then Is A AFKER o0o
no no i do not wanna complain about AFKER

cuz i have no idea who that is...
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