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AuthorMercenaries' guild
I think it maby shold exist like Allience of good, Kight, Elf and wizard. And Allience off darknees, Necro, Dark elf, demon and barbarians

and when you fight them you fight it like a group battle
(sometimes demon and barbarians change place)

the-barb :D
i think it is a good idea 1+
I like the idea but i think some changes are in order.

Allaince of Good:
Knight + Elf

Allaince of Evil:
Necro + De + Demon

Allaince of Neutral:
Wizard + Barbarian
yeah thats better combination :)
I think wizard is good and barb can freelance or stay neutral
I'm not speculating here, but according to the HoMM universe

Knight, Elf, Wizard, Dwarf

Necro, DE, Demon, Barbarian
but there is no dwarf XD
in this game
but there is no dwarf XD

there will be later
in heroes of might and magic 5 dwarves are hammers of fate
there will be later

not sure if they ever will be...

Let each choose thier own way.
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