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seperate PvP, PvM and ambushes

Authorseperate PvP, PvM and ambushes
okay, we have all been here before: you're trying to find one of your(or somebody else's) battle log, but you have to rifle through pages and pages of logs, why not separate them into categories?

I suggest to separate combat logs into the three categories: Player vs player, player vs monster(AI) and thief vs victim.

hopefully this will save from looking through tens of pages of logs
then lots of players will have 95% of their combat logs in the same category: PvM.

i think it would be better to uses these categories:
1: hunts
2: merc quests
3: thieving
4: PvP battles (duels, group battles...)
I Agree 10000000000000000000% percent
then lots of players will have 95% of their combat logs in the same category: PvM.

well PvM is "player vs (AI) monsters, so hunts and Merc quests would be sub-categories of PvM
It would be nice if we could customise our categories and sort them in any way we want. I like to be very organised with my stuff. :D
Have a battle counter instead... saying how many of each type have you done
Have a battle counter instead... saying how many of each type have you done

still doesn't help you having to look through tens of pages of combat logs, just tells you how many pages you have to look through :P
I agree with karsot's version of this idea. It would be nice to be able to filter the combat log by the various types of battles.
this has been suggested by me a couple month ago. But still no improvements... :(

I agree to this,
P.S. There is a script which helps a bit but it is not a solution...
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