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AuthorEnemie influencing artifacts
Normal artifacts have a influence on my troops, e.g reduce my damage taken or my output.

Would be nice if there were artifacts that reduce enemies stats, like give -1 on moral or luck or lower his/ her mana.
It will be too overpowered at group battles.
hmm... guess you're right. haven't thought about that...
how about they effects only work in hunts,MG,And theives...etc etc
i think the upgrade of bone dragon will have this ability to decrease enemy morale but i think its a good idea
i think the upgrade of bone dragon will have this ability to decrease enemy morale

It does??how do you know??
It will be too overpowered at group battles.
not if the effect doesnt stack, and both sides can have it, so its fair
for Minjoot:
Death Stare
This creature decreases all enemy stacks' Morale by -1.

upgrade of bone dragon has this
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