Forums-->Hunter artifacts-->
Author | [SELL] GH Arts |
GH Armor 4/4 - 5,555
GH Helmet 4/4 - 4,444
GH Arrows 10/10 - 3,666
On market. | Still for sale. | For sale. | ^ | GH Helmet starting from _1 GOLD_ !!!
Displayed for sale: Great hunter helmet 4/4, starting price: 1 gold. Auction expiry: 17-04-09 18:17.
GH Arrows starting from _1 GOLD_ !!!
Displayed for sale: Great hunter arrows 10/10, starting price: 1 gold. Auction expiry: 17-04-09 17:02.
Both of them on market. | Arrows & helemt sold.
Armor still for sale. | closed by Lord Kiskoko (2009-04-18 15:32:29) |
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