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Author[Weapon modifications] 4x10% For FREE!
You give me just the weapons and elements. It is absolutely free, You pay no gold!

Write to me via PM to discuss procedure and special offers.

My work costs 0 gold for each percent, 0 for clanmates. So each 10% enchantment costs 0 gold (0 for clanmates).
Send me a weapon (rent for 1 days, 0 battles, repairing allowed, 1 gold), elements (1 gold for each 10 elements of one type), gold and letter about your order.))))
Blacksmith status: - Available from 18.05
Blacksmith status: - Available from 20.05
Blacksmith status: - Available from 26.05
Blacksmith status: - Available from 30.05
what element cost to 4x10% ??
Blacksmith status: - Available from 03.06
Blacksmith status: - Available from 08.06
Blacksmith status: - Available from 10.06
Blacksmith status: - Available from 14.06
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