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AuthorAnother special ability for Spawns
The only good use for spawns is getting some extra mana and sending them on suicide missions to up demons' rage. i think that there should be at least one more special ability to make spending your money on them worth while. here are some suggestions for the new ability:

Drain Mana
Ignore defense

Even one of these added to Spawns would make people want them more and probably help Lordswm raise real money =].
[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-05-04 10:10:34 // 7. It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction.]
they r stron enough ive seen them in combat 2-3 damage and their speed and initiative is cool to
spawns are great ......
this is a pointless suggestion, read local rule
yes i would say spawns as the best tier one unit
no need to make them more powerful

in large stacks,they make the difference between victory and loss
yep. best tier one unit already.. its how you use them that counts
battledance? lol. It's way too powerful.

They are already powerful enough.
lol they have same dmg as Infected Zombies, faster and they are only Tier 1 :)
7. It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction.
closed by Zyanya (2009-05-03 14:10:12)
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