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AuthorLvl 11
wave: top, right, bottom, left

1: 13 poisoners, 2 dark witches, 13 poisoners, 2 dark witches
2: 8 anchorites, 8 anchorites, 8 anchorites, 8 anchorites
3: 15 lorekeepers, 23 frenizied griffins, 15 lorekeepers, 23 frenizied griffins
4: 8 griffins, 8 griffins, 8 griffins, 8 griffins
5: 8 ogre magi, 9 mistresses, 3 treefolk, 31 guardians
6: 92 sowrdsmen, 15 genies, 60 enchanted gargoyles, 52 rogues
7: 21 golems, 1 black dragon, 18 elven bowmen, 2 devils
8: 32 modern golems, 53 elite forest keepers, 32 modern golems, 53 elite forest keepers
9: 19 lizard assailants, 11 cave demons, 19 lizard assailants, 11 cave demons
10: 5 giants, 5 giants, 5 giants, 5 giants
11: 12 cavalry, 76 orc chiefs, 28 rocs, 46 magi
12: ?
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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