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Author[max 4x10%weapon enchanting] +(80% repair with 10% discount)
for 10% extra earth damage mod = 10 Meteorithe shards and 10 toadstools.
for 10% extra air damage mod = 10 Windflowers and 10 Witch blooms.
for 10% extra water damage mod = 10 Ice crystals and 10 Viper venoms.
for 10% ignore defence mod = 10 Moonstones and 10 abrasives.
for 10% extra fire damage mod = 10 Tiger's claw and 10 fire crystals.
for all - 500 gold per each %;
old clients:250 gold per each %;
for members older than 2 month in #382 The Kingdom for free;
for members of Rivendale clan 350 gold per each %;
for members of The Warden clan 400 gold per each %;
to get service out of line price x2;
to become old client - you have to order 3 orders 4x10% for regular price.
Additional if you will order my brand label, which costs 5000
you will get 10% on all repairs for this item from one of the best smith - china_blue99
Now she offer her service on 80% repair for 100% cost. My customers will get discounts from her on 10%!!!!
When she will get 90% repairing rate, you also will have discount in her smith.
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