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AuthorHow to defead a lvl 8 guy when you are lvl 7
gues who lost

well he didn't have xbows and you had wolf raiders and more attack and defense but anyway gratz!
you had diamond upgrade, he didn't even have lvl 8 upgrade + you were wearing more arts, so no big achivement at all, you should win a fight like this..
dont get it ... you are telling us with 2nd tier upgrade and more arts, you can defeat someone without 2nd tier upgrade ... isnt that a bit obvious?
:S another SHOW-OFFF !!

Shouldnt this be in tavern and combat violations for intention to pay for combat/extort money during combat??

Anyway. No big deal. When he changes faction or for some other reason dont have all the upgrades, he is he is just level 5 with few more troops..so LOL instead of congrats?
LOL @ U!!
How to defead a lvl 8 guy when you are lvl 7
is this right place for this
how did a level 7 ambush a level 8
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