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5000 messages w00t


Author5000 messages w00t
lol hydra really do suck i try to tell everyone this but no one lissens ;)
cover up
hydras are over-estimated all the time
agree 100%

my unicorns are specially trained to pwn hydras

oh no watch out for that hydra with 6 intitiative D:

i mean its not like my efk go 3 time b4 they do or my unicorns go twice or anything
in most of my thief ambushes the only thing that saves me is hydras. and unicorns will loose 1 on 1 with hydras if ur uni had 0 luck and favoured enemy :P
well my unicorns can beat any dark elves unicorns (assuming we are whereing same ammonunts of arts ;)

yh but by the time your hydras go the enemy has gone 2 times =P
Death To The Hydra
Death to the Hydra
Glory to The Black Hydragon
(, , ,).....(, , ,)
for Pentagon:
we have none of that crap in this server, so don't even attempt to wow us with that
xD lol conquest

battle unicorns can blind them =P
what ya gonna do now stupid hydra xP
cover up
cover up
cover up
cover up
cover up
(, , ,).....(, , ,)
ahhhhh kill the craZed flooting eyeballed (no head just O.O) hydra
cover up
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