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AuthorHigher levels
We should have higher levels than 13 shouldn't we? (Also, the comp. lizard riders swore at me, that was an unpleasent surprise.)
we have level 14. But nobody reached it yet. They need more exp for this
for a DE talent i need lvl 15 to learn it
thats the real problem^^
U will never be level 14 so why bothering!
u dont know that he might
for WarlordFChaos:
how can you be so sure? maybe it would be better not to say anything at all next time

for qecnepsm:
there is a level cap of 14 and there are higher levels planned
there is a cap of 14
for qecnepsm:
there is a level cap of 14 and there are higher levels planned
closed by Zyanya (2009-07-03 00:56:14)
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