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hello, since we now have lv14 person on our rank list , how long do we have to wait for updates ( battle clan , creature upgrades .... )

if possible i'd like some of admins to answer , ty !
we should have one within 4 years
I believe in these 2 months, battle clans, tier-5 upgrades and dwarvens factions also some newest arts, like dwarven shield, etc .. :)
i'd rly like to get the new map & battle clans & every faction arts set :))
Yup, that will be nice :). I hope i will be soon.
any words from Admins ???
any words from Admins ???

Don't hold your breath.
gotta agree with MeanDrake there, they will very rarely say something on the forum.

as for game updates, there are some things admin needs to work out before something new comes along
Yeah! Admin have to post a news every 3 days in .ru serve. So they just have enough time to post 1 news per 6 months in this serve. Enjoy guys!
Just a suggestion:

For those that real-ly am 'dying' for some updates on this site, it might actually be better to try to send a mail (use a translator and write in russian, maybe?) to whoever is in charge over at .ru (or wherever) and ask nicely if they would spare a little of their precious time to add some stuff here.

While it probably may not work, or your mail may even get ignored, it's STILL better than opening threads here and hoping some admins from .ru will log in here and actually read the threads we post. It might be most of them couldn't even read English to read our threads in the first place. :)

Like I said, if the chance of any admins reading any of these 'please do updates for .com' threads is say 1%, writing to them in Russian and asking them nicely may actually increase the chance of some updates being done by 100% --> to 2%. :)
Lol... I was waiting for THIS day...

sarcasm ON: (emphasis "SARCASM ON')

Please STOP harrassing our ever present admins and very communicative developers for updates like those found on the russian server because:

- Our server does not have enough members (so no big maps needed and still no need to communicate frequently... for those who THINK and STILL think low members JUSTIFY for LACK of communication).

- Our server does not have any level 14 player (BTW I know MasterTi is a lvl 14 but i include this anyway to 'stick' this arguement to those who used it to JUSTIFY for our belated updates).

- Our server does NOT have ENOUGH level 14 (lol... what makes you think after all these LONG months of being ignored, once a player reach lvl 14 its now time for update? Why NOT MANY lvl 14 players... lets say an ARBITRARY number like 1000??? lol).

Otherwise if you dont like it you may:

- Leave this FREE game (To those who THINK because its a free game, we dont need an update... lol how idiotic)

- Go join the Russian server... (lol... its RUSSIAN server for a reason. Emphassis on RUSSIAN? This is for those who think that if you have ANY justified complaints and posting ENDLESSLY for updates, you can shut the F* up and go play on a different server with a DIFFERENT language...lol)

Sarcasm OFF.

Please dont ban me. I was simply putting forward the KIND of idiotic response I got when I created this thread:

for Gyver:

sarcasm ON:

-You will get banned for using hidden insults

-Your post does not make sense


-Prepare these for yerselfz

sarcasm OFF

for RandhyDBest:
Hope so :)

for nnt000:
Well they got 6+ timez the pop.. they should get more.. Even Different WoW countries have some differences from others..
i just asked , i didnt mean to harass anyone .....
& my general opinion is : if there are admins here they better be working something , if not , lets find ones who will .... i mean if they arent gonna do anything why are they admins ?

i hope you all think it makes sense lol
If Arctic was here it would have been better.
for Gyver:
you should be glad you were not here from the server start. you have no idea how many mindless reports i have seen. in the beginning it's a bit irritating but then it gets a real fun to read them. :}

i guess it's normal in an online community or just in a crowded place half the inhabitants to be frankly stupid. what i don't get is why the ultimate desire to express oneself (or to repeat the same excuses over and over again) is in a total disproportion to the one's the thinking ability :!?

and one little aspect for all the "but-hey-this-is-a-free-game blabbers":
yes, this is a superb free online game. actually i don't play other online games, thus for me it's the best free online game ever. but... it's free until you decide to support the project (it is assumptive we support the projects we like, not the projects we only want to criticize). in this very moment the game is becoming a service and you are becoming a customer. with the most natural right to ask questions about game's advance, and imagine this incredibility - to get answers to your questions. wow! it sounds supernatural here :o}

and by "asking questions" i don't mean to pester the devs with endless caprices like "i want this in the game; oh, i want it to be that way". i mean some of the really valuable and easy-doable little suggestions in the IaS forum by many players which would greatly improve the gameplay and the game interface. it's not for you, it's for them. it won't improve your game, it will improve their game and only increase the number of happy players. but i guess it takes some brains to be understood...
for Gyver:


for others:

truth hurts, isnt it?
truth hurts, isnt it?

Ermmm... nope. I, for one, am completely happy with this game as it is. If there be no more upgrades.. so be it.

While I welcome criticism, I really can't understand why people would insist on babbling on and on about the 'lack of/no upgrades' ever/for a long time. If that's the case, then it really doesn't matter how many times you are gonna repeat the same thing over and over again, right? It still won't happen according to the prophets of doom. So why not put up with it or leave the game?

I hope there are upgrades, but if there ain't ever gonna be upgrades, it's cool. I'll play till I can play no more/lose interest, and then move on.

It's like playing a RPG game like Resident Evil. You play to get from 1 level to another, till you reach the end. You ENJOY the whole process from start to finish, never once expecting the game developers to suddenly gives you an additional level, new weapons, then what you PAID for the game initially. So if you don't expect (demand) CAPCOM or GAMESOFT to give you additional stuff then what u paid for, why do u expect such in a FREE game?

If someone gives me a Ferrari to drive, I'll be totally ecstatic just to drive it till it can be driven no more. I'm not gonna ask (or expect) whoever gives me the Ferrari for sports rims, spoilers etc, or I'm gonna make a fuss.

Com'on, give it a break already, and don't try to ram, what u perceived as the 'truth', down others' throats.
"Don't hold your breath. "

well duh, you'd suffocate long before you hear anything...lol
Actually when you like a game(any game) you search the internet in expectation for an add-on, mod, expansion, sequel... If you find out that none of the above is expected, you start to stir things up. You create petitions, find people that share your opinions and mass e-mail the company etc...
Doing nothing usually leads to nothing.
So if someone thinks that by complaining is his/her way of putting things in motion then by all means he/she should do that
for Jedi-Knight:

well it seems my little aportation has bothered u so much. If this game is all great, why u happy ppl bother about us devil complainers so much?? cant u live with it?? we r part of this great game already!!

sarcasm off... i really cant understand ppl sayin "we dont need updates". Cant u see this server is really dying, slowly but persistently...?? Do u like this game as it is without updates? Cool, lets see if it continues being great when everybody leaves and only few ppl online. Then we'll see if u "good players who dont complain" still r here with ur super game.

The problem of most of u, as i said LOTS of times, is that u assume us devil complainers dont like this game and thats why we complain, when in fact is the opposite!!! We LOVE and we really CARE about it, so thats why we cant stand seein it starvin, something that u happy ppl looks like u dont care. Oh i forgot, this game is great even without updates and players... :S

btw, bad example using Resident Evil, which has TONS of sequels and even movies, which can be considered "updates" of the original game, in our context.

And another fact that u seem to have forgot, is that we have an "older brother", who is pimpered so much, while our "younger brother" is treated like a dog.

if they r not goin to make more updates, or they r goin the make it once per year, at least the could SAY it "dear community, we r already very busy with bla bla and u r goin to have only 1 update per year". They dont have the guts or they dont fancy to talk with us?? Thats what really bother me, no lack of updates, but lack of COMUNICATION.
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