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Author[Armor Enchanting] 2*12% - 1500 gold back per element / BOGO
I do Armor Enchanting up to 2*12% for you, and you get 1500 gold back per element you used.

Best deals around.

Transfer your art with recall in: 1 days, 0 combats.

I do only 1 order each day, so send me a private mail (Pm) to make an appointment.

PM me if you have any question or discuss better options. :)
Option #1 (All Elements and Gold back):

You provide the elements needed, I will pay you 1500 gold in rebate for each element you provide:

Fire magic shield (12%): 6 Fire Crystal
Earth magic shield (12%): 6 Meteorite Shard
Air magic shield (12%): 6 Windflower
Water magic shield (12%): 6 Ice Crystal
Decrease attack of charging stack (6%): 6 Moonstone <--- Special offer: I will provide 6 Abrasive for FREE

So you get 9,000 gold back for each 12%, or 18,000 gold back for each 2*12%.

Clanmates get more gold back:
#381 Dragon Allience get 10,000 gold for each 12%, 20,000 gold back for 2*12%.
#136 Dragon Heroes get 12,000 gold for each 12%, 24,000 gold back for 2*12%.
Options #2 (All Gold):

I can provide my elements if you would like to pay part of gold:
Fire magic shield (12%): 14000 gold
Earth magic shield (12%): 14000 gold
Air magic shield (12%): 24000 gold
Water magic shield (12%): 24000 gold
Decrease attack of charging stack (6%): 50000 gold

Dragon Allience get 1000 gold discount for each 12%.
Dragon Heroes get 3000 gold discount for each 12%
Option #3 (Buy one get one free):

You order one 12% enchanting (with your elements), and get another 12% of Fire or Earth for FREE (with my elements).
Options #4 (parts of elements):

You pay only part of the elements:

Fire magic shield (12%): 4 Fire Crystal
Earth magic shield (12%): 4 Meteorite Shard
Air magic shield (12%): 4 Windflower
Water magic shield (12%): 4 Ice Crystal
Decrease attack of charging stack (5%): 5 Moonstone

I will provide the rest of elements for you for FREE. :)
we can also discuss other options in PM
I do only ONE 12% each day.
Due to my limited funding, ONLY 18 offers of 2*12% are available. And already 6 offers has been taken.
So make your appointment right now to take advantage of the good deal before it's gone.
only 12 offers left
make your appointment right now to take advantage of the good deal before it's gone.
the best deal is waiting for you. :)
lol, thx:)
up up :)
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