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AuthorDraw of prizes (Again)

new page w00t
litlle girl
litlle girl ?
2592 to go
2591 to go..wee
2590 to go lol
COME ON get this moving!i cant drag us all there by myself and then have lukeman swipe my prize away... wheres all my flooders??

all flooders are with lukeman

long live Luckeman and Black Hydradragon
all flooders are with lukeman

not true, it turns out that I am flooder of '09 so they are not all with lukeman... apparently me and my twin are the last ones standing O_O...

FTwin: which reminds me, I want a name!

Geia: *sigh* what do you want your name to be?

FTwin: how about Lance?

Geia: okay that sounds good.

FTwin: yay! I have a name!

Geia: you sound like me, and i sound like you, AAH!

FTwin: hey wait why does my name still appear as FTwin?

Geia: itll change in our next post...

FTwin: oh...

Geia: the next post he actually speaks in ;)
Lance: Im speaking now...

Geia: Darn you...

Lance: Hey my name shows up! yay!

Geia: =)

Lance: hey let me be part of the signature too!

Geia: ugh, fine...

__$$$$$$__$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$$$$$_$$$__$$$ ...and Lance
Lance: thats not exactly what i had in mind... T_T

Geia: dont push it... thisll take awhile...



Lance: hah, mines bigger =)
do u always talk to urself?
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