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AuthorAbout a particular lordswm banner ad
This post is more of a feedback to the admins and game designers of the game.

Recently, I just saw one of your new ads on a popular game site thats starts with kon... (I'm not allowed to post game links, aren't I?) For starters, I'll like to congratulate the designers on a job well done, as there was far more interesting animation than the previous ad I saw on the same site.

However, I noticed that the animation does not loop. Wouldn't it be more interesting for the animation to loop i.e start from scratch, then having a static image for a banner end after the animation ended? At least have a reply button somewhere so that some curious passerby can have a look at the animation again, and hopefully get enticed into the game.

Anyway, from another perspective, doesn't this tell players in the server here that the admins have not forgotten about us? Cheers! :)

p.s. the banner depicts 3 poor guardians slaughtered by elven bowmen, skeletons, and incendiaries. Pardon me if I remembered wrongly, as there was no replay button, nor did the animation loop to the begginning :P
Haha.. that was the one to bring me here :D

Good job :D

I dun recommend the repeat though, might get irratating
Lordswm.com is advertised on Kong?! That's the best news I've heard about this server for many many months! As Kong is (one of) the most popular flash gaming site(s) out there, that ad is likely to bring here a good ammount of players!

More players -> more "donation" -> perhaps upgrades, events....

Keep up the good work!
I also got hooked up by that ad, although that is so untrue on the graphics.. Need some updates!
can some one send me a link for that ad :)
5+ me too lol

But they're advertising on kongregate, AMAZING :D
ye i would like to see it too, in my country im trying to give people link to this game cause no one knows about it ........on forums and sites, shoutbox

game is cool and they just have to try it, and when more ppl then more atention from admins on .com
More players -> more meteorite shards..
I don't know what banner you're talking about. I followed your link and tried all kinds of things to get the ad to show up (clicked everything, refreshed about 50 times, etc), but I never saw any banner ad about this game, only about some other games.
you know what they should advertise on runescape is a game I used to play but tons of pplz play it
seeing the banner on kongregate brought me here as well....It must work...:)
I saw the banner at Celestial Heavens, a Heroes of Might and Magic site =D
Saw a link that had some druids on the left hand of the screen with FK charging to the right to meet rogues, the FK die but the druids use lighting to kill the rogues. A dragon come from off screen right and swoop in and kill the druids.
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