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AuthorWhy i dont play this game
I only play tower game, becouse of the STUPID artifact nessesity. Think it over again and if you still think you need it think one MORE time. If you need something to even play the game it, for me it is too complicated. Thats why i dont play the battle hunt, etc parts. But i like the tower game :) Hope they will not change it to "artifact needed" -___-
Yay! Let's implement it :p joke
sure!!! the powerful deck of thousands plays .-.. lol
Ive stoped playing battle part long time ago and never started again thats what i mean..
nth is wrong with the AP rule, its just you
You could have played about 730 fight with minimum AP instead of losing 100 000 in roulette. Its roulette, not minimum AP requirements that stopped you from fighting.
Not talking about using W2 enchanted sword when you have problems with gold..
I wouldnt be surprised if you used ring of inspiration with your W2 sword for minimum AP...
for me it is too complicated.

;3 and thats why ill be calling u a dumb ass fromnow on....
06-12-09 11:28: Player was imposed a penalty of 5000 gold. // filthy comments in chat - gameid=616844
yeah he is filthy!
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