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AuthorQuiz for LWM,HOM fans
here i write questions for those who love LWM and HOM very much and know about every thing about it:

1- how can 1 farmer kill 95 emchamted garg with 1 hit and the wizard is level 12 with full enchated set?

2-how can a necromancer have a fireball spell?

3-how does a spirit have 4-5 damage and the hero have no H,MH,GH set?

4-whatare the spells for lorekeepers?

5-what kind of missions we get when we have "thief leader`s trust"?

for each question answered i`ll give 200,and onley 1 answer can be wrote by 1 hero

and if you have more question write here
2-how can a necromancer have a fireball spell?

wearing the whole Demon artifact set?
1 - It cant

2 - It cant in this game

3 - spirit?

4 - magic punch, fireball, chastice

5 - How the hell should we know, RU has only had 1!!!!
2 - It cant in this game Wrong!!

for Straws:
2-how can a necromancer have a fireball spell?
wearing the whole Demon artifact set?

Is right!
1 simply die)it's merc quest)
3 mercenary set
4 punch fireball and dispersion
5 same as without trust
4 oh,master ti forgot dispersion,i forgot chastice)
for Straws:
200 gold on the way

for MasterTI:
i will count you first answer since it is wronge i won`t send any thing

for Phaddeus:
your answers are wronge and not complete

mods can you delete master TI first message i don`t want others to know the answer
for LWM_Dante:
You didnt say i wasnt allowed to answer so i answered.
and again people don`t write more than 1 answer if you write more i`ll consedir the first one onley even if the others were correct

and if you have questions write it here

hurry up work that ball over your body to finde out the answers and get a free prize
for MasterTI:
and onley 1 answer can be wrote by 1 hero

what do you think this is
yay thanks (:
4 - magic punch, fireball, chastise, dispersion :)
for Bartek009:
200 on the way

come on these questions are very easy
for MasterTI:
even though you didn`t didn`t read the conditions correctly and didn`t delete your post nor wrote the write answer that doesn`t mean you put me in black list

any way hurry up if you answer a question for 200 gold
or write another resonable hard question :)
another question for mods

if a topic author ask for a mod to delete a message that have been writen by a charcter inside of his topic shouldn`t`t this mod delete that message?
1- how can 1 farmer kill 95 emchamted garg with 1 hit and the wizard is level 12 with full enchated set?

The 95 is from Summon phantom :)
Thank you :)
for Bartek009:
never mind ^_^

another question
if money payment for battel is forbidan then why do we pay for those who assist us?(this question have no money reward ,it`s answer is simple:P)
for binghuo:
correct you are a genius

i`ll send 500 for you
for LWM_Dante: Paying ofr battle means paying someone for losing but here its vice-versa
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