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How to gain high fsp at low levels

AuthorHow to gain high fsp at low levels
Warning: A bucket load of patience and luck is required.
Try doing merc quests vanguard of wizards {0}. They give ridiculously low xp for 0.5 fsp. After you successfully protected our dear friend, let the merc quest expire(fail the mq)... Skip mqs and wait in agony until you get the vanguard of wizards {0} again. Rinse and repeat. Lol!
Question is why to get high fsp on low level?

With decent arts you can change to demon, DE, elf, barbarian at any level.
Wizard, knight and necro might be a little problem with low faction level but it is possible too..thats probably the main reason why we dont have many high level wizards, necros and knights. Because they depend more on faction level than other factions.

You can fail loads of quests(low level monsters with 0 exp), but WHY?

Fsp is just one of the parameters. You can be good and win without it.
is you are a low level and want to raise FSP try to get ambushed by dragons they areeasy to kill and gives 0.65 FSP

Low level (even level 5) its pretty hard to beat them, and then they don't always come. Do you guys know if the "dragon caves" place on.ru lets you be ambushed by dragons?
#4 Xerfer

Low level (even level 5) its pretty hard to beat them, and then they don't always come. Do you guys know if the "dragon caves" place on.ru lets you be ambushed by dragons?

you can do it in ridge of hope.
closed by God5end (2009-08-08 16:34:57)
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