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Author | 3 word story |
kill the Santa | and then the | elf army killed | one magicboy, then | got desyroyed by | 9,999,999,999,999 magicboys killed | for magicboy:Stop writing your own story:/It's supposed to be mixed by DIFFERENT players | 3 WORDS ONLY xD | for magicboy: Stopwritingyourownstory:/It'ssupposedtobemixedbyDIFFERENTplayers:P | that is better | lol, sorry, butitsfunnyhahalol | erm, when i dont dont type, no one does -_-" | that is true xD | in Lethos' opinion | u wrote too | a weird thing | evry one has died | then be dead | end of story... | or not! the |
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