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AuthorNew Guild, specially for PvP
I propose new guild, that is rewording PvP battles. It could be called "Fighters Guild" or simply "Reputation" (gaining reputation points for every battle won, duel and group)

Level Pts Bonus
0 0
1 50 +1 primary skill
2 120 +1 primary skill, +1% initiative
3 300 +1 primary skill
4 600 +1 primary skill, +1% initiative
5 1000 +1 primary skill
6 1500 +1 primary skill, +1% initiative
7 2200 +1 primary skill
8 2800 +1 primary skill, +1% initiative

This table is approximately explaining how would that work (I didn't actually do research for the best experience table, so this is just an example). For every level player will choose what primary skill he wants, depending on players affinity (magic or might). Also I'm think of adding talent points as bonuses (some talents we can't reach, even at level 14, so maybe this would help).

I think this will make PvP battles more popular and more rewording.

Also for every battle that player go afk points are removed (bad reputation). Points are not removed for lost battle, just for afk.
like the basic idea, thought of it before, and maybe proposed it.. but it is good on paper +1
I like the idea, but I feel those bonuses are far too strong, talent points could work too though, maybe 2 talent points per level instead of the 1 primary skill
there are many player who aren't interested in pvp, so yes, these boni are a too high. but i would appreciate that guil. ^^
+1, although a basic parameter each level is a bit too much
Same, +1 basic parameter is far too much, aswell as 2 Talentpoints. That would mean up to 16 Talentpoints and that are 2 full talents 0.o

I would suggest to give each player a bonus to his main attribute he got as free bonus at start. Meaning: Wizard=>Wisdom; Barb=> Attack ...
Because the free primary skill is VERY special (only for Merc quests) and all other guilds give fixed bonus (huntersguild attack, thievesguild ini ...).

Aswell i would say 1 point for 2 Levels of guild (as for mercenary guild) because if its the main parameter of the player anyway, then its nearly as good as choosing it oneself. But by that way it is like the other guilds and its fixed and not as powerfull as with free choosing.

So it would be a mix of Laborersguild and mercenary in a way.

And even if its not absolutely as you wish it to be, then you can still use potion of oblivion, if you (as wizard for example, have now 9 wisdom and 2 spellpower). Then you can switch the former chosen points of wisdom to be spellpower for example. The points of the PvP-Guild are still fixed (like all other guilds) and so its not completely free, but not completely useless because the point is chosen according to your faction.

Maybe one can give +1% initiative for the levels in between, so my suggestion would look like this:

Level Pts Bonus
0 0
1 50 +1 skill acording to faction
2 120 +1% initiative
3 300 +1 skill acording to faction
4 600 +1% initiative
5 1000 +1 skill acording to faction
6 1500 +1% initiative
7 2200 +1 skill acording to faction
8 2800 +1% initiative

At guild level 8 one could get +1 primary parameter free to choose, like for faction skilllevel 9 the +1 luck, as absolute mega reward for very high guild level.
Points are the faction skill point you got from PvP?

Sounds nice.
Same, +1 basic parameter is far too much, aswell as 2 Talentpoints. That would mean up to 16 Talentpoints and that are 2 full talents 0.o

it would go to helping get those talents that are so desirable but so out of reach, and it's hardly unreasonable, 2800 pvp battles WON for 16 talent points will take a LONG time, and from 5-8 that is 1800 battles alone, do you have any idea how long it'll take to get 2800 won pvp battles?

a good group battle can take upwards of 1 hour, so you think (presuming a 50/50 win rate) 2800*2=5600 hours is an unreasonable amount of time to spend for 16 talent points?

one ambush won in TG is 1 point for TG, with 3000 needed for TG9, 2000 for TG8, this needs 2800 for the guild to become level 8, so what makes this so much more obscene than the rewards for thieves guild?
The guild wont even be worth barely anything below level 3/4 if you have all your talent points used, maybe 2 if you have 4/5 points left over
This would work too -_- Good idea though

Level Pts Bonus
0 0
1 50 +1% initiative
2 120 +1 Defense
3 300 +1 primary parameter
4 600 +1% Attack
5 1000
6 1500 +1 max damage
7 2200 +1 Min damage
8 2800 +1 Speed.

That would be hard to win 1500 -2800 Duels so i'd think it would be a good enough prize :D
I went to bed as soon as I created this thread, so I didn't had time to comment on my own idea.

Their is a reason why I'm proposing people to choose which skill point they want. People's playing stiles differ, no matter which faction they choose. That's very important in PvP. They can choose for them self which path they wont to go, might or magic or something in between. And if they get fixed skill they can't use potion of oblivion to change it.

One of the problem whit this bonuses is that they are not unique. They are no different from bonuses you get from leveling up (+1 skill point).

I don't really know if the bonuses are too much. As I said I didn't do much research. Although I can see that this way already good players will get even greater advantage over bad players. People who don't do PvP will not be affected by this because they don't play against other players and thus they don't really care if someone is stronger then them (I think).

Maybe putting 2 talent points on every level is too much but putting 2 points every 2 levels isn't so bad. Sometimes you need only 1 point to get talent you want and this would help.

I liked Decrous idea about +1 max/min damage, so I changed a little bit my own table. I also think that +1 speed is too much (think of the shrews).

Level Pts Bonus
0 0
1 50 +1 primary skill
2 120 +2 talent points
3 300 +1 primary skill
4 600 +2 talent points, +1 min/max damage
5 1000 +1 primary skill
6 1500 +2 talent points, +1 max/min damage
7 2200 +1 primary skill
8 2800 +2 talent points, +1 max/min damage

This way their is maximum +4 skill points, +8 talent points, +3 min/max damage. And maybe no one will get to level 8.

For getting points first I was thinking of 1 win=1 point, so even those who don't do much damage but they play very good supporting role can get points. But that mean that high level players have almost no chance to get this bonuses if this guild would be implemented in the future (their are too little PvP battles on higher levels compered to low levels). So maybe it would be better to use racial points system. More damage you do in combat more points you get. Even if you lose you will get some points. Only way to lose points is to go afk.
I like the idea, but I feel those bonuses are far too strong,

It offers 4x more bonuses than any other guild.
4, the first part of your post is irrelevant. Many players don't enjoy hunting either. There's a guild for that.

I don't understand how this is so strong bonuses... it's the same as the hunter's guild's +1 attack, except you can put it anywhere you want (so wizards and def knights aren't stuck with attack).
+1 max/min damage is too unbalanced between factions, some factions will aprreciate that more and for some, they are completely useless.
I put +1 min/max damage because my skele archers, lol :))
I only put it to make things more interesting and unique. They are a little bit unbalance.

And like Xerfer said hunter's guild is providing +1 attack for every level. That means max +10 attack. My suggestion gives max 4 skill points, 8 talent points and 3 min/max damage (OK, min/max damage is maybe unbalanced, so we can go without that).
What you forget is that you get these points with this new guild ASWELL having the normal other guild points, so all you get is good.

And in my eyes your bonuses are really much too strong.
Because when comparing hunting and PvP-fighting:
Hunts can be done all 40-60 minutes one can do more than atleast double PvP fights and up to 4 times as much. Hunts are restricted because at a certain level you either have to wait for higher level to do them, or ask for assist, which results in less Guild points.

PvP fights even give much more xp and sp.

So, why should a guild than can be leveled up to 4 times as fast as another, which has no maximum and end any time, which gives much more xp and sp, even give more rewards aswell?!

Thats VERY unlogical in my eyes.

I don't say no the the whole guild, but i say no to the immensely high rewards.
+1 max/min damage and +1 speed - This too large advantage.
+2 talent points - this good idea
This guild would increase the people opening and joining duels and groupies (if they are included by this guild), and that makes it easier to find partners.

But it would aswell reduce the games played, because all people then look only for games they win with 200% safety and not just for fights they THINK they are gonna win.
like the basic idea, thought of it before, and maybe proposed it.. but it is good on paper +1

it just needs more work on it
+2 talent points is a good idea
for some level u get talent poit for other u get primary skill or ini etc. to many options.
but there should be a pvp guild
I_own_you_all do you know how much money do you have to have to support your fights if you are joining as soon as your troops recover? You don't get any money for PvP fights and you will need a lot of arts just to fallow that insane tempo. It would be even harder if players are theaf.

And I don't think that +4 skill points for all levels is to much. Besides everybody have the same chance to win and level up. And how will anybody find an easy game when everybody would try their best to win? You already have racial skill points from PvP battles and that works perfectly fine. Why would new guild not work if it would be based on that system?
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