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Author#404 Wolves Horde
Change in clan's communication – exclusion of hunt assistance


Since our clan is growing, the necessity arisen to limit our communication slightly. We already lost several good players due to clan's mess and I do not want this became usual. The following changes are represented:

1. Asking help in hunt through clan message system is forbidden now. Instead please do the following:

- Check the clan's page to identify people of your level and add them to friends (press "+" opposite to their names on their personal pages);
- If you add them as friends, you will be able to see when they are online (bottom of your character page);
- If you need assistance in hunt, check who are online from your friends (clan mates of your level) and write them in private.

2. Invitation of players to participate in group battles through clam mail system is allowed. But it is strongly recommended to do this through private messages as described above

3. Advertisement of the same services by a player shall be made not more than once per week.

Thank you for patience and understanding
Greetings to our new members:


Good luck to you guys in hunts and battles with clan mates!
Ok guys, sorry for delay. Today is 2nd September and this is a time to give you correct answers to the our first clan quest. Although only small part of our community decided to participate in our competition, I am sending this message to everyone (with advertising purposes :)

Quiz #1 (with answers)

1. How much time it will take for a hero to arrive in Ridge of Hope from the Silent Hill?

Correct answer: about 287 seconds
Comment: 287 through 290 seconds are deemed correct answers. Many players wrote 300 seconds (5 minutes), this is incorrect

2. What are elements (e.g., meteorite shard, toadstool etc) needed for?

Correct answer: for enchanting artifacts

3. How many sets of artifacts are represented in our server?

Correct answer: 4
Comment: (Hunter, Master Hunter, Grand Hunter and Thief Sets)

4. Starting from what combat level an elf hero may recruit elite forest keepers?

Correct answer: 6 level
Comment: with diamonds

5. How many talent points will have a player of 15th combat level?

Correct answer: 60 talent points
Comment: the formula is 5*(combat level-3) (see https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1834332)

6. How many skeleton bowmen in reserve a necromancer hero of 6 combat level with 5th faction skill level have?

Correct answer: number of skeleton bowmen is limitless
Comment: but he may take into combat only 65 skeleton from his reserve (see https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=38)

7. How many players in the Empire are able to repair artifacts with 80 and 90% efficiency?

Correct answer: 9
Comment: if you go to Top Players – and press Statistics of all characters, you will find very useful site allowing you to know better about all heroes of the Empire (http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php)

8. What from the below gives the best ratio of faction skill points / combat experience points (more skills and less experience)?

a. Winning duels
b. Loosing duels
c. Winning battle everyone for oneself
d. Taking 2nd place in battle everyone for oneself
e. Taking 3rd place in battle everyone for oneself

Correct answer: d (Taking 2nd place in battle everyone for oneself)
Comment: Winning duels – 100% of experience points and 130% of skill points (ratio 1.3)
Loosing duels - 30% of experience points and 70% of skill points (ratio 2.33)
Winning battle everyone for oneself - 100% of experience points and 150% of skill points (ratio 1.5)
Taking 2nd place in battle everyone for oneself - 50% of experience points and 120% of skill points (ratio 2.4)
Taking 3rd place in battle everyone for oneself - 40% of experience points and 80% of skill points (ratio 2)

9. Indicate a name of the player who betted the most gold in roulette.

Correct answer: ofca (50,059,248 gold!!!)
Comment: use this site - http://www.guildofheroes.ru/lords.php

10. The dark elf hero has 36 shrews, 15 minotaurs, 13 lizard cavalry and 6 hydras. Does his army deal more damage in one turn with battle fury or cold blade as a talent? Let's assume that each stack will deal its maximum possible damage.

Correct answer: cold blade
Comment: you will find the formula there https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=34 and will see that number of troops is irrelevant. As some of you correctly indicated, if a unit has maximum damage lower or equal to 6, then battle fury would deal higher damage, if maximum damage of unit is 7 or higher then cold blade is better.


Only one player gave all correct answers - Shubhra. She receives 50 clan points and 3,000 gold as a gift.
For many other players either the first question or sixth question was a killing one :)

Hope in the next quiz competition more players will participate :)

The distribution of monthly prizes will follow shortly
Dear Wolves,

Below are results of your activity in August. Five winners are Shubhra, dioniso, Silverhand, herowm_ and Dark_Phantom. They receive 10,000 gold, 5,000 gold, 3,000 gold, 2,000 gold and 1,000 gold respectively. In addition, Silverhand receives 6,000 gold for maintaining our training academy.

Special thank you for 46 our members who posted our clan's avatar on their personal page. They gained 50 clan points each for this

Thank you and good luck in the next month!

Shubhra 372
dioniso 254
Silverhand 250
herowm_ 235
Dark_Phantom 190
slayerofall 172
Silent1 167
jaxasx 127
Ilmater 127
pradheep 117
cosmo2634 115
Mahno 110
agressiverdk 107
Marquise 92
kovatel 92
james69 84
heman 75
Ecoman 72
ubris 67
Spectrevius 65
Arjan 64
superbest1 62
Arsuha 62
RGWarior 60
Goku_30 60
narutoayan 60
koki 60
Kingsid 60
korangar666 60
JustRock 55
markxxxx 55
barb2 55
Kshitiz45 54
bautz 52
Bigjaw 50
Melena 50
Khellendros 50
Avataar 50
paladinleader 50
Ulrric 50
Wormed 50
Pratik 50
MastaOfDeath 50
sdort 50
DonTheoden 50
Winston84 50
DemonQueen 50
Micatus 50
Dark-Ninja_lord 50
Bubbly-Chimp 50
beast1 50
Neo56 50
bobby288 50
LordRedd 50
ollaroic 50
naapa92 30
TheNewElf 30
annoy 28
smbgames 25
TasKurPavaro 22
vato4geo 22
Draco77 22
pamali 20
expert 18
riverwarrior 15
Maldiduk 15
PrashanthDaniel 15
Pirgos 15
Hridesh 15
thesupremelord 15
TaKanwOla 13
Dilok 12
jambronk 12
sterling4444 12
ShadowKingk 12
WindElf 12
FaroHatshepsut 12
wildbar 12
Maleficium 10
Lemonballs 10
younkuy 10
Snoreyman 10
Kaesetoast 10
bloodstealth 10
lilwayne0 10
Mazzy 10
alza3im 10
coqco 10
Dethellos 10
phantomsushi 10
lordkiller12345 10
halain 10
Annabella 10
trelaras 10
vidlak666 10
hunt4food 10
ScrewYou 10
xSeNgiRx 10
Sexybody2 10
Zephyranna 8
Dethellos 8
balky 7
charlesmagne 6
darkmatt12345 5
Prince_Legolas 5
carlos999 5
blackrock 5
ansitey 5
napi 5
knightgreat 5
tanmaypoke 5
Matanzas 5
Sweet_n_Naughty 5
narutoayan 5
Blip 5
Darkclaws 4
Gear 4
riseifpossible 4
legend_warrior 4
parichay12 4
David666135 2
Chand 2
Lemonballs 2
Il_Celtico 2
Kim_LoO 2
MonteCarlo 2
alza3im 2
Sweet_n_Naughty 2
Enroll 2
Kaesetoast 2
Rambo_pang43200 2
PantherFan12 2
Rusalka 2
ansitey 2
Il_Celtico 2
Jassi 2
Bobsponge47 2
neel123 2
jalopy 2
XoltaxElf 2
coqco 2
antonius002 2
kappaq 2
Vagrant999 2
Assyra 2
firebosskira 2
meison 2
SURAJ1990 2
keanmeng 2
tvusra 2
miker_92 2
Hyaken 2
firebosskira 2
Merlin10 (-18)
where i am?
[Player banned by moderator Kotrin until 2009-09-03 12:35:20 // I don't know, but you could ask this question by PM. No bumping is allowed here. Warning.]
Dear Wolves

It is very disheartening that after the initial enthusiasm within players to enrol as both trainers and trainees, I have received few mails from you indicating your the success or failure of your training fights. Is it that training fights are happening and people are just too lazy to report them to me? Or is it that fights are not happening for one reason or other? If it is the second and the fights are not happening for any particular reasons, please let me know and I will try and address the issues.

Now for additions to the academy. We have one new trainer. Ecoman is also a designated trainer for elf faction.

We have five new registered trainees. Thenewelf, darkmatt12345 and paladinleader are trainees for elf faction, bigbandit is a designated trainee for barbarian and Merlin10 is a wizard trainee.

Lastly, we still have a position for trainer in Necromancer as we have only one trainer there. Please apply if interested.

Your deputy leader

For September, we have following prizes:

For gaining more clan points than other do - 10,000 gold
For 2nd most clan points - 5,000 gold
For 3rd most clan points - 3,000 gold
For everyone who will take more than 120 clan points - 2,000 gold

If at the end of September you have our clan's avatar posted on your personal page, 30 clan points will be awarded to you authomatically :)

Good luck in struggle for Empire's gold!
Date: 2009-09-21 16:30:48

From: Tsedar

Subject: Looking for assistance in clan matters


Sorry for not bothering you with spam letters on clan matters previous three weeks :) - I was very busy at work and will do other few weeks.

But time is going on and we need to organize our second intraclan tournament. I wonder who are from you are able and want to help me with this. Requirements to a candidate: at least 7 level and 4 hours online 5 days per week. The assistant will be paid for his work (about 5,000 gold).

Please write me today or tomorrow. Thank you
i want join your clan pls..-_-
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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