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   Forums-->Gratitudes and congratulations-->

Gratz, Admins!

AuthorGratz, Admins!
For putting gold in the factories from East Bay! :)

but for all factories if u haven't checked yet:)

Grats to empire not admins:P
Whatever, Empire or Admins. We are very grateful for that! :)
blacksmith of retribution :

yesterday : 700K / 700,000 gold

this day : 100K-200K left

anyway, YAY
don't be so happy guys, check EB now, it's almost dry again !

although short but yay ...
I dont like that kind of gratz thread, its mostly sarcastic on the fact that Admins do nothing and when they do you are all on them. Good way to help them continue on this server.
Now most of the refilled minesare dryed up with money, but tak a count hoe much money now are to players, to my new stuff? :)
OK! Event passed. To answer #10, I wasn't sarcastic, but I wanted to show that their intervention was immediately noticed and we appreciate that. Maybe I didn't express myself correctly at the beginning, but in #3, I corrected myself. Yeap, I am grateful for their intervention. Now, topic closed.
closed by CGSMCMLXXV (2009-10-11 05:04:55)
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