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AuthorDid you know: Roulete
When you are on the character screen, there is a little box on your right that has tips with "did you know.... so and so"

One of them says "Did you know roulette is a quick way to get rich". While true it also can be misleading. I think they should say something like "did you know roulette is quick way to get rich, but is very risky and could also be a quick way to lose everything" Just an example, because for some of the players who have never gambled or dont know the risks should know this. Otherwise the "did you know roullete is quick way to get rich" might lead players to instantly throw all thier money in the roulette game and lose it all. Players should also be told the risk of losing thier money.

Just a simple suggestion but i think it is needed
Did you know? Common Sense should really tell that to everybody.

I mean, sure, you are right: there is only one winner in the long run, which is the house. As with all gambling. But I hold that this IS common sense.
because for some of the players who have never gambled or dont know the risks should know this.

Did you know? Common Sense should really tell that to everybody.

common sense is "throw this up in the air and don't stand underneath it because it will come back down"

common sense does not involve knowing the rules where in most places it is illegal to even play under the age of 18. so knowing the rules, ratios, and rates of winning is not common sense for a young player new to gambling.

im not saying his idea is top priority but what i am saying is don't assume everything you know is common sense.
That box was the only reason why I tried Roulette. Didn't even think about it until after I went in the hole.
Roulette (two T) :D
+1 I agree
+1 i went becuz of dat box
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