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AuthorAFK Player's troops are controlled by his Team Member
This idea can help us in group battles where a player goes AFK and makes his team members suffer. After 5 turns (AFK), the AFK player's troops are killed and he is defeated, according to this suggestion , after 5 turns of AFK, the command will be passed randomly to a member of the particular team.

Best Regards,
bad idea.suggested before also. why would you get the right to play from another account?

Going afk means surrending in the fight and if your partner wants to surrender you don't have any hypnotise spell to make him fight and you won't get any either.

If you like pvp but you are depressed about the fact that afk ruins the game then llv up by doing many AI combats in higher lvl you won't find much afk.
suggested like a million times. but still: +1, if you have an afk player in your team, you would still be able to win.
closed by Anmol (2009-10-25 19:17:07)
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