In a fight a moment ago, i noticed a probable bug when using the spell "rapid".
The creature's initiative was NOT affected as it should have been, instead i think the % effect was computed twice.
I will explain myself: i casted "rapid" on griffins, expecting to get a 20% bonus initiative (thus, on about 15 initiative, 3 or thereabout), but instead i got only a minimal bonus in initiative, about 3% (and not 3).
Moreover, there is something else. I think this error is only displayed while you are playing, but not really computed: i got stuck twice in the combat (and i notice that i'm not the only one having this problem). Whatever action i wanted the active troop to do, nothing happened. I had to reload the page to get on with the battle but... the griffins (the very same i had cast rapid on before) were moved from being the next troop to act to being the active troop at the moment.
So i think that this should all be the same kind of bug.
Sorry for being this long, hope i have been clear enough. |