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AuthorLightning damage not updated
The new update states that Lightning will do 13 + 13 * Spell power with Basic Chaos magic talent, instead of the old 12 + 12 * Spell power (iirc).

In my first battle after the update I was still only doing 360 damage with 11 Spell power, Basic Chaos magic talent, and Wizard skill faction 3.

Old calculation: (12 + 12 * 11) * (2 + 3) / 2 = 360 (actual damage I did in the battle)
New calculation: (13 + 13 * 11) * (2 + 3) / 2 = 360 (the damage I should have done, if I undestand correctly)
Forgot to add the battle link:

I discovered the "Big thread for bug reports" thread, so this thread can be closed and forgotten.
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