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Author[Repair] 90% repair for 120% cost --- Max Smith by binghuo
===== MAX repair =====

Repair efficiency: 90% (Best in game)
non-clanmate: 120% of repair cost (minimum 1200 gold per art)
#381 #303: 110% (min 1100g)
#136 #279: 100%

How to do?
1. find the repair fee here
2. transfer it to me, note "repair fee for ?"
3. transfer your art with recall in: 0.01 days, 0 combats and "Allow repair", 1 gold only.
3 Branded enchant arts get Life-time 10% discount for a MAX skilled repairing at binghuo's smith:

Weaponsmith: GGW 4*10%
Armorer: binghuo 3*18%
Jewelcrafter: yjfish 3*18%

With anyone of the brand, you pay only 110% of repair cost for a 90% repairing (It's 120% of repair cost normally).
no waiting time
no waiting time
no waiting time
no waiting time
no waiting time
no waiting time
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