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AuthorMult Abuse...

+ several other accounts
Heres another case of mult abuse + financial assistance


transfers with a admitted mult

(when i saw him he was trying to rig games aswell XD... very very pathetic)



hung1, hung2 are my 2ndary characters.

03-07-09 20:11: Item returned: "Wizard cap" [3/34] to hung1
03-07-09 19:34: Received item(s): 'Wizard cap' [0/35] to be returned until 08-03-09 19:34 ; for 0 battles ; (repairing allowed) from hung1 . Transaction price: 1 Gold
02-25-09 04:56: Transferred 105 Gold to Dizbe : hunt
02-05-09 02:40: Received 25 Gems 50 Crystals 15 Sulfur 70 Mercury 40 Ore 20 Wood from hung1 :
02-05-09 02:39: Received 90000 Gold from hung1 :
02-04-09 20:16: Transferred 11164 Gold to hung1 :
01-26-09 03:00: Received item(s): 'Defender shield' [40/40] from hunghung
01-26-09 02:07: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter boots' [0/10] to hunghung
01-26-09 02:07: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter shield' [0/10] to hung1
01-26-09 02:07: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter boots' [0/9] to hunghung
01-26-09 02:07: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter boots' [0/10] to hunghung
01-26-09 02:06: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [0/10] to hunghung
01-26-09 02:06: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [0/10] to hung2
01-26-09 02:06: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [0/10] to hunghung
01-26-09 02:06: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [0/10] to hung1
01-26-09 02:06: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [0/10] to hung2
01-26-09 02:05: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [0/10] to hung2
01-26-09 02:05: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter hat' [0/10] to hung1
01-26-09 02:05: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter hat' [0/10] to hung1
01-26-09 02:04: Received item(s): 'Defender shield' [40/40] from hunghung
01-25-09 03:59: Transferred 3172 Gold to hung1 :
01-18-09 03:14: Transferred 40000 Gold 1 Gems 4 Crystals 26 Sulfur 40 Mercury 18 Ore 31 Wood to hung2 :
01-06-09 01:13: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter boots' [0/10] to hung2
01-06-09 01:13: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter boots' [0/10] to hung1
01-06-09 01:13: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [8/10] to hung1
01-06-09 01:13: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [0/10] to hung1
01-06-09 01:12: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter hat' [0/10] to hung1


02-19-09 05:52: Player blocked. // You may only have up to 2 secondary characters.
02-19-09 04:33: Castle modified. Construction added: Marketplace.
02-18-09 04:32: Castle modified. Construction added: Magic Guild level 1.
02-18-09 04:20: Castle modified. Construction added: Dark pasture.
02-10-09 02:51: Received item(s): 'Leather boots' [21/30] from hung1
02-10-09 02:51: Received item(s): 'Dagger of vengeance' [18/30] from hung1
02-10-09 02:51: Received item(s): 'Steel blade' [18/30] from hung1
02-10-09 02:51: Received item(s): 'Medal of bravery' [10/25] from hung1
02-10-09 02:51: Received item(s): 'Leather armor' [18/25] from hung1
02-10-09 02:50: Received item(s): 'Leather helmet' [21/30] from hung1
02-05-09 02:39: Received 10000 Gold from hung1 :
02-04-09 20:17: Transferred 4063 Gold to hung1 :
01-31-09 23:32: Transferred 5555 Gold to hung1 :
01-28-09 03:58: Transferred 6682 Gold to hung1 :
01-26-09 03:00: Transferred item(s): 'Defender shield' [40/40] to whung
01-26-09 02:07: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [0/10] from whung
01-26-09 02:07: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [0/9] from whung
01-26-09 02:07: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [0/10] from whung
01-26-09 02:06: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [0/10] from whung
01-26-09 02:06: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [0/10] from whung
01-26-09 02:04: Transferred item(s): 'Defender shield' [40/40] to whung
01-25-09 19:18: Transferred 20 Crystals to hung1 :
01-25-09 17:52: Received 5600 Gold from hung1 :
01-19-09 03:10: Transferred 2000 Gold to hung2 :
01-18-09 03:16: Transferred 20000 Gold 4 Gems 1 Crystals 3 Sulfur 3 Mercury 4 Ore 5 Wood to hung2 :

only 2 characters? what about not multi transfering with them?

Financial assistance and multiple character abuse
08-01-09 13:21: Received 5000 Gold from treylee2 : gift as finishin usin this character
07-24-09 15:12: Received 5000 Gold from treylee2 : closeing account so this is a gift

Character went offline at 19:06, 10-28-09

08-06-09 01:16: Received 11111 Gold from treylee : am playin again informed not fairplay as gave cash from multi
08-01-09 14:41: Transferred 36512 Gold 4 Gems 4 Crystals 3 Sulfur 10 Mercury 20 Ore 13 Wood to treylee : gift as not using this account anymore

10-28-09 19:06: Transferred 15392 Gold 6 Mercury 13 Ore to treylee : for drakes bday


03-31-09 20:15: Received 183 Gold from draklord3 :
03-30-09 12:27: Received 455 Gold from draklord3 :
03-29-09 12:51: Acquired item: "Hunter pendant" [10/10] for 565 gold from Eurena as lot #411621
03-29-09 10:49: Received 218 Gold from draklord3 :
03-26-09 20:36: Acquired item: "Hunter shirt" [10/10] for 549 gold from danger as lot #405601
03-26-09 20:36: Received 78 Gold from draklord3 :
04-29-09 15:26: Transferred 2000 Gold to treylee2 : dont need that much
04-29-09 15:25: Transferred 2000 Gold to treylee : dont need that much
04-29-09 12:39: Acquired item: "Hunter pendant [F2]" [10/10] for 1349 gold from Joltar as lot #490972
04-28-09 19:51: Received 2500 Gold from treylee : other half gold
04-28-09 19:51: Received 2500 Gold from treylee2 : Half gold
04-28-09 19:26: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from Ash619
04-28-09 18:58: Received 3000 Gold from Ivo999 : For clan
04-28-09 18:57: Received 27000 Gold from ivo678 : For clan
04-28-09 18:51: Transferred 1505 Gold to ivo678 : for clan
04-28-09 18:13: Transferred 4571 Gold to ivo678 : for clan
05-11-09 10:47: Received item(s): 'Master hunter sabre [E1]' [1/8] from ivo678 . Transaction price: 1 Gold
05-09-09 12:37: Received 1004 Gold from treylee2 : for clan
05-08-09 14:30: Transferred item(s): 'Master hunter sabre' [0/9] to ivo678
05-08-09 14:29: Transferred 1500 Gold to ivo678 : for enchanting

Financial assistance , Multiple account abuse, bla bla bla...
also extreme financial assistance // mult abuse
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