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Authorhelp me..
i wanna make 5 clan..

4 is for all(had thinks the name)

and the other clan..i dun know what name what should i put..

the last clan i need it for only me..

i want to make it for my bank

so what is the name comfortable for it?
i want to bump

help me...
help me..
hey..help me la
Poor u.. xD ... Dun be kids doin' too much clan ...
just if i have 200k
Dude, you should consider saving money for that lost TGI before creating 5 clans.
for angah160:
Why u still stupid, Kid?!
my leader wanna me give him all 5 thief arts that i get in every lvl of my TG
Poor you you still haven't reached level 2!
These matters are actually serious , and you need to give him a Tgi sooner then tg5 , coz i do not think you will reach tg5 even in 2012 .
yeah..u right...


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