When to you somebody will scratch eyes for your slanders which are necessary to nobody? [Player banned by moderator Erebes until 2010-04-28 01:48:56 // Third party comments .]
[Post deleted by moderator Erebes // No need for this ...] [Player banned by moderator Erebes until 2010-04-29 09:38:19 // No need to call other people names (especially admins) . Relapse .]
I re-read again local rules and I am nearly sure this post is compatible with the thread. for carogna and (or maybe aka?) Svetochek:
Also for -Svetochek-, --Artemida--, Kleapatra, _Mermaid_ and other unsigned multies.
I can't understand what is the matter of your sufferings. Is it
1) admins' inactivity
or 2) honest players' slandered honor
or 3) am I venomous viper?
1)I'm not guilty. Go to GGF.
2) lol...) I just show funny logs. I don't cry: "BLOCK HIM! HE IS A CHEATER! AND HACKER! AND //https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4435332&page=2/ 04-12-10 multiple transfers/ (for mods: no translation coz I don't want be banned or penalized or.... Some players on .ru went to block for weaker swearing)
3) Yes, I am...) We can discuss the question. But let's don't spray your slobber on the forum. Just pm me and I'll answer you adequately. Or create your own Off-Game topic as "Eurena is Torn goat and the informer" (for mods: I just quote my transfer log 04-15-10 12:23:)
PS. 04-23-10 18:55: Transferred 114000 Gold to Svetochek : I leave. Good luck! - not best decision.
PPS. I'm not going more to dispute with cheaters and ... mentally diseased people here.
PPPS. I don't call anybody 'cheater' or 'mentally diseased'.
Best regards.