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Author10 hour faction change
With the workaholic penalty the faction change set up needs to be reduced. just enough that if you have 10 hours of not being able to win as a particular faction you can go back to your main one and remove it. Then switch back in ten hours to try and raise the faction again.
i don't get why we can't just change faction whenever we want -_-
yea me neither i dont get the point why we hav to wait 24 hours
i dont understand how it is posiilbe to change faction at all......
especially with the low-grade technology in this world....
in some types of combats some factions are always benefited

hunt with zounds of slow creatures-lets go DE
lots of large creature-knight etc etc..

so Ifit woud be like that then no player would go in deep and would discovr the way to fight with same troops against everytype of creature

and ome one btw you couldn't change your race or identity in hours.
You would abuse the inventory increasing buildings if you'd be able to change factions anything.
i don't get why we can't just change faction whenever we want -_-

so we cant do a group battle, and when we die swap factions so the fsp goes onto that faction instead, swap back and repeat
You would abuse the inventory increasing buildings if you'd be able to change factions anything.

if you build the inventory buildings they only affect your inventory while you're that faction, so your max inv could be 45 as demon but only 30 as necromancer for example
i guess the idea suits the 12+ characters which have already at least 2 main factions with levels 9\5 or 8\7, besides it is really useless for the lower levels, only if:
you are using the pvp battles with your new faction to fight and lose very often to get faction points, which brings you to 10 and 20-hour fines for losing over and over, which means this 10-hour faction change is just another way to cheat on the system, no?)
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