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AuthorThird Survival Tournament (9 lvl)
Barbarian-Fishy 79

thank you for your explanation. Now I feel at least a bit better :)
for Laco24:

Yes, waves 9 is difficult to pass for elves. I was killed in waves 9 in my first attempt, and get only 17971 score.

But in my second attempt, I managed to kill to waves 12(4x19 druids), and get 23595 score.

Just try it harder and stay alive:)

For the renegade magicians, kill them before they can touch you!
@desigirl and @barbarian-fishy can post ur highest scores ???
Participants level: 9
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (9 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (7)
Highest score: [Necromancer] 36884

Non upgraded, only 6. faction skill.
1.Renegade magicians 4x6
2.Left/Right Vampiric lizards 2x14 + Up/Down Ogres 2x8
3.Gremlin engineers 4x64
4.Rebels 2x42
5.Left Skeletal dragons 1 + Right Nightmares 2 + Up Cave demons 1 + Down ampiric lizards 11
6.Rebels 4x62
7.Incendiaries 4x40
8.Left/Right Gremlins 2x89 + Upd/Down Ogres 2x9
9.Left/Right Black Dragons 2x1 + Up/Down Renegade magicians 2x34
10.Left/Right Orcs 2x33 + Upd/Down Black Dragons 2x1
11.Left Green Dragons 1 + Right Thunderbirds 4 + Up Ladons 4 + Down Farmers 210
12.Druids 4x19
13.Hydras 4x8
14.Left/Right 2x155 imp + Up/Down Devils 2x1
15.Shrews 4x39 hard.... but not impossible
16. top/bottom treants 8 each stack left right 1 dragon each side
17. Left/Right 2x286 Rebels + Up/Down 2x39 Royal Griffins
18. Left/Right 2x36 Cerberi + Up/Down 2x85 crossbowmen
19. 4x24 Thunderbirds

Score 64559 skill points 2.6 (Barb with diamond upg)
This is my third and last try. It's not possible for me to pass the thunder birds
Highest score: [Demon] 36290

I got butchered by shrews too :D
haiz i hate my country .. do not have any cards to buy diamond feels like not fair :( no wonder got diamond upgrades and high scores. okok very good.
Participants level: 9

Amount of attempts: 7 (7)
Highest score: 37509 ( Barb without diamond upg )

proud of this score without diamond upg
Highest score: 63192 (nec, with dia upg 6 skill points)

Impossible psycobirds in wave 19..! good xp though..:D
Participants level: 9
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (9 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (5)
Highest score: [Barbarian] 44017 - without diamond upgrade.
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: [Dark Elf] 24350
-- no diamond upg. --

Druids zap me to death.. However, so far I've not been using full arts.

Any other DE, w/o diamonds?
Amount of attempts: 7 (3)
Highest score: [Dark Elf] 34273

Dead in wave 14. Though I could have went a bit further. I made some mistakes.
@post 89
i just hope to see that battle
Ric_Dangerous how did u manage to make such score, its impossible
i got like 36k and i think it was up to limits (i got strategy to get about 40k but didnt had time to fullfill that
grats all
thank you!
It wouldn't be possible without apparitions, their drain mana/gain life ability helped me to get by renegade magicians and druids with no real problems...strategy and luck did the rest..;o)
Grats with 3rd place Rensk, not bad without upgraded ghosts!
with elf to 2nd place, and dark elf to 7th place, make a huge mistake in elf to let the stupid farmers hit my unicorn, otherwise, could possible passed the demo even
...and when will the awards be dispensed? :)
I just woke up and saw a strange increase in my gold :) So, the awards have been dispensed... I got nearly 30k gold... nice :)
Whow, 25k. No problem with that :-D
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