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AuthorA little discuss about save gold
I'm finding the best way of saving gold about repairing :)

interesting? plz read below :

1) when u sell an 0/ Durability item without repair , the cost of per battle is = cost/battles
= 0.35*buyprice/original durability

2) if repair , let's suppose we had fix it n times before sell , (n>1) .so , the cost of per battle u get is :

cpb(n) = cost/battles

cost = buy price + all repair price - sell price
= buy + n*0.4*buy*discount-0.65*buy*(DUR-n)/original DUR

battles = original dur + all fix dur
= original DUR + original DUR*efficiency + (original DUR -1)*efficiency + (original DUR -2)*efficiency + ....... + (original DUR -n+1)

write in short is:
cpb(n)=[buy+n*0.4*d*buy-0.65*buy*(D-n)/D] / [D+0.5e*n*(2D-n+1)]

cpb(n)<cpb(0) ,
cpb(n) /cpb(n-1) >1
cpb(n)/cpb(n+1) < 1 ,

then repair n time is the best way of saving gold

now we use the formulae to calc the cheapest way to use a Defender shield

1)without repair

2)if we find a smither with 50% efficiency for 35% cost ,
cpb(n)=[buy+n*0.4*d*buy-0.65*buy*(D-n)/D] / [D+0.5*e*n*(2D-n+1)]
=[buy+n*0.4*0.35*buy-0.65*buy*(40-n)/40] / [40+0.5*0.5*n*(81-n)]

cpb(3)=buy*0.008312 <<

so,I like robai to fix my new defender shield 3 times is good :)

btw,the result is different of different item or smither .

PS. u can calc all your items in order to save your money.

HNY and GL !:)
i get confused with those methods i don't understand one bit lol, maybe i should study
If you have a smith that is repairing for more % than you have to pay for (example: 50% repair for 35% cost) than no matter what it's always worth repairng for the first time. Full durability of the artifact devided with % difference (repair and cost) will give you the coeficient which will tell you if it's still worth repairing or the new full durability is too low... Actually it's much more simple than you represented... But I like the whole math approach :D
for manti:
u r right .
plz show your simple method to calc the best times of repairing an item :)

Use the service of my beloved He111.

She gives 30% repair for 15% of the repairing cost.


As repairing costs the 40% of the item, with her service you can get an item with 30% durability, costing 6% of the original item. It means, that you'll sooner get to the point when it's simply annoying to repair the item, (cause you get a so low durability) than you have to sell the item, cause it's not worth repairing anymore. :)
A good place to see if the repair is worth it:
The following tool calculates if a Smith's offer. It will give you how many times it is better to repair an artifact instead of selling it and buy a new one. You need Excel to use it.

---> Repair Optimization/Cost Analysis tool.Check it Now! <---
oh!that's it!
thx all :)
closed by Lord ZGM (2010-01-06 17:03:50)
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