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AuthorSpectator or visitor in tourney
Do you know?

When we were in tourney like minor tourney , throne battle.

There were no spectator and i guess that we fight alone and illegal.

So what i want to improve is add some spectator like

a DE guy , knight , wizard and others on the chair or place behind the battling lords.

well, you just cant view it.

simple, it doesnt allow observer to spy on other tactic, strategy, troops settle while the tour on go
Not survival...

And the spectator not a player

It just a Picture

No one can view the battle but the landscape or the arena should be like a arena with full of spectator

4. Any idea should have a purpose and describe the means of it's realization. It should also answer the question: "Why it needs to be done?".

What's the use?
ok, so there were no spectator and i guess that we fight alone and illegal. what if it is that? It's still a tournament and so on... What's the use of it? All the admins would do is change the background...which might seem easy but actually isn't...and there are better things to be implemented anyway.


P.S. Illegal battles still have suppoters IRL. So even if there was spectators, it could still be illegal.
There were no spectator and i guess that we fight alone and illegal.

What is the connection between this above..

It just a Picture
No one can view the battle but the landscape

And this below..
Idea should describe its purpose: Why it should be done? So why exactly?
Just for fun

Why illegal?

A player cannot view the fight

But the battlefield which is like stadium should have a fake spectator instead of nothing
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