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AuthorFine or punishment to AFK
what happens if u land in that 1% is it fair then?

Of course it isn't. But I'm willing to accept that if I disconnect when I'm losing (even though it's not my fault), it looks as if I'm just as bad as any AFK'er and I deal with the penalty, no matter what that is. It's something you should learn to do, handling problems that affect you, but aren't your fault.
From the way you're thinking, I bet you've never had a job before, then you would know what it means to be blamed for things that aren't your fault and having to deal with it. And if you walk away from the game after you've set your character to travel, that's also AFK'ing (and intentional), since your character is still doing something while you're not at the PC. One easy way to avoid this would be to always travel with 1 Tier1 unit and no arts on, then you wouldn't get the penalty and the thief would also not get any exp or fsp off you. And since it's such an easy solution, that would cause you not to receive the AFK penalty, why would you care about keeping the penalty low?
Oh, and, since you put it so nicely:
the person that was moving [...] was at fault ... Why? Because people [...] need to leave 4 the day and move on the map

By the way, for the record, I didn't say it was the perfect solution to punish innocents along with the guilty ones, I just said that it was the best out of the 2 choices. I would like to see what happens if some really hard measures are put in place, would there be this many SOLID complaints about the penalty or would there just be just a few kids moaning about how it's unfair that when they went AFK they got penalised? I dunno, seems to me like the majority should rule, but I guess since you're right and the admins turn a deaf ear (a blind eye?) to it, this is another in a long line of disappointments this game brings...
My topic is also on the list of so annoying afk topics. I had long discussion with those kids Lannik talks about and it's just about unwillingness to take responsibility for ruining the battle and making other players to waste their time and money for nothing, because enjoying the equal battle is what they want most.
wow, cease fire! It's something you should learn to do, I bet you've never had a job before,you would know. it seems you misunderstood what i was saying or i didnt clearly explain myself. i do apoligize. however u were talking about (government) 1% is innocent and i related it to the death penality. Fall in the 1%, and ur dead. Just b/c there are only 2 options u see doesn't mean there aren't others more suitable. Paying for AFK will be corrupted (multis). so think of a new argument not involving $$$. However just like the death penality (great comparison no?) there are far right and far left. Administration has taken a path down the middle.
The gamer's utopia will always be dashed by the presence of AFK. However as a player of the game, AFK is part of the experience (good or bad u decide). AFK deosn't affect me (i know, srry) b/c i only do hunts atm. I understand that my joy will be compromised till a lvl higher, so i choose to w8, but i do have empathy for u.I do not agree with AFKing and i think it withers the game. But a different option needs to be suggested then $$$ for the 10,000 time (apparently it's not working).
"We also hope that... any possible mean tricks of other players and other virtual events don’t put you in bad mood in your real life." - admins
so really, lighten up! And for future posts, assuming about peoples personal life, will only make you look naive. (friends laughed @ ur post and assumptions (srry)). this is another in a long line of disappointments this game brings... then y are you playing? (retorical, food 4 thought)
And the players with a bad internet connection will get poor... Why does everybody always think AFK is ALWAYS intentional? There are some good people out there too...
If they have to go and, even unintentionally, screw someone else up, they have to pay. And it has to be something they really feel, so they will think twice next time about doing so.

does this include the thiefs who ambush AFKs (I mean from the start) who then get the -2 luck when they come back for an hour afterwards

I mean the thief didn't intentionally catch someone who was afk, but they sure as hell screwed them up, so under this logic the thief would have to pay their victim too
the thief didn't intentionally catch someone who was afk, but they sure as hell screwed them up, so under this logic the thief would have to pay their victim too

You have a twisted mind if you think that's logical. I would think it logical for AFK punishments to be more severe (but not a permanent ban, like the death penalty Ikagary was thinking of) because, after all, the thief wasted some item durability - maybe min AP, maybe full set, you never know - for very little exp and fsp. And you needn't even worry about it, since there's an easy solution against it (walk around without arts and with 1 unit).

And the players with a bad internet connection will get poor... Why does everybody always think AFK is ALWAYS intentional?

Those who know their connection is bad should maybe stick to single-player games or simply not join GB's or Group Hunts. Then they wouldn't get poor, easy solution. And, to me, as long as you know your connection is bad and you decide to play an MMO and join a battle with others, you're the first to blame if anything happens.
And don't tell me about the 1 random disconnect per week/month/year you get at your provider, it's not a good enough reason to maintain a small penalty for AFK'ing. It's exactly what I mentioned before about the 1% being acceptable losses.
How about this:
Lets suppose a player is a doctor or fireman or policeman in real life.During a group battle he\she gets a emergency call.Which would you consider more important,The life of a real person or some xp and fsp?
Is it fair to impose heavy penalties on a dude for saving someones life?
(Im in med school so i give this example)
Summary:Real life always comes first....And screwing someone out of xp and fsp is not as severe as screwing someone up in real life..........
I hope you get the jist..
Which would you consider more important,The life of a real person or some xp and fsp?

Of course, the real person, that is why he/she would instantly drop the game and go do their job. But, you see, the problem with your assumption is that because they are on call 24/7, most people with such jobs understand that rl > virtual life and, therefore, do not care as much about this one. Ergo, they will not mind the punishment - and, yes, it is just as right as for everyone else.
Frankly, I believe this kind of players are the ones who would be the first to accept a heavy penalty for AFK'ing. Why? Because their time spent playing is less then others' and they value it even more for that exact reason. They will be the first to accept what I'm proposing.

Well, to sum it all up: Yes, real life always comes first, but when you know you have to go out / do some chores / WHATEVER in the next 10-15-20 minutes, you do not join a Group Battle hoping everyone will play as fast as the AI so that your schedule will work out. And when you're doing something tyhat important in real life, you do not expect a different treatment in this game, since you understand that, in life, as well as in this game, everyone should be treated equally - and that means having the same chances and the same rules.
also, @evilk, that argument is a strawman. He is not punished for leaving to save someone's life. He is punished for playing and abandoning others when he was well aware that he might have to abandon them. The reason for abandoning totally does not matter.
Also, as a matter of fact, I know people just in that situation who use readiness phases to casually play some games (killing time...) and indeed those are most likely the ones taking penalites easiest. Moreover, in my experience those tend to be CLEVER persons who know that they might be screwing/annoying others and tend to only play with friends who know about their situation in advance and accept that. Then, it is a whole different matter. Guess what? That is even possible here: state clearly in duel or group battle you open; or gather friend(s) yourself who are aware of it. (Obviously don't say it only after a battle has started.) Most people on call readiness that I know would probably not even think about acting differently to that! [These are the guys CARING FOR OTHERS, to wit!]
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