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AuthorPassive Forum
Good evening, I noticed that's the last time a forum has become passive, and passive as you think with what it is connected ?
[Player banned by moderator FaithBringer until 2010-01-31 21:00:56 // Don't make useless topics, or explain the point you like to make more, so people can discuss about it. Warning]
very small on-line gamers, because forum be passive
2 in the game every day sitting 1500 + players but because they sit on the forum about 100 people
for Riad:
+ the most part is made by players from Russian server. Many plainly do not know language
4 thats true
even now be seen how he is passive
What are you talking about Riad? You know, the others with such terrible incoherence keep quiet. Perhaps this is the passivity you describe? )
7 What are you lol
Riad is that an inborn habbit of amazing wit you have to create useless threads and then bump them .
9 can you want to do their business and not going to climb and even the way when using google translate even write properly !
anyone has ANY clue what he just said?
closed by FaithBringer (2010-01-31 23:55:12)
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