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Author#581 Rising Phoenix
We shall be reborn from the ashes


The sand of time cannot be stopped. Years pass whether we will them or not...but we can remember. What has been lost may yet live on in memories,that has been forgotten,hidden in the dreamy haze that lies behind us.

Before our grandfathers were born, and even yea before their grandfathers, war has raged within and beyond the kingdom.Those were the time of chaos where swords were drawn and bloods shed,bodies found everywhere and tears sheds. And still the war continues.

One day,during the sun rises,there was a cry heard across the land.A cry that no one will forget.A cry of a beautiful song. When all looked up in the sky,they saw a .....

Read on legend http://rising-phoenix.ucoz.org/forum/2-1-1

You can become a member for 15,000 gold payment.

All members should follow Rising Phoenix clan rules:
#1] Following the rules of the game.
#2] Follow the rules of the battle (No enchante, No diamond upgrade, etc.)
#3] Dont go AFK. Don't join any battles that you know you can't finish.
#4] When you have started a game you must finish the game, even if your losing.
#5] Respect clan members. It is forbidden to insult each other.

Thank you for reading. For more information visit use:
We shall be reborn from the ashes

The sand of time cannot be stopped. Years pass whether we will them or not...but we can remember.What has been lost may yet live on in memories,that has been forgotten,hidden in the dreamy haze that lies behind us.

Please Read On http://rising-phoenix.ucoz.org/forum/2-1-1

What is a military clan? A upgrade of an clan. There are a few military clans around at this momment, you may ask why? Military clans cost 2,500,000gold + 4000gold for every member. A military clan goal is to become the strongest group to defeat the battle VS the dwaves. But let me tell you the true meaning of a Military clan. A military clan is a clan that shares ideas and help each other out, but we are not always friendly. We can team up in group battles and kick ass.

Let me discribe you the details of Military clans.
• A lord may only join one military clan.
• Members in a military clan can't ambush one another.
• Military clans can control parts of the map.
• Military clans invitation cost 5000gold instead of 500gold.
• A icon will be shown beside your name representing your military clan
• Only 250 members are limited in a military clan

Eveyone can become a member with single 15,000gold gold payment!

All members should follow Rising Phoenix clan rules:
Follow the rules of the battle (No enchante, No diamond upgrade, etc.)
Do not join a battle when you know you can't finish it. When you have started you must finish, even if your losing.
Respect clan members. It is forbidden to insult each other.

Rising Phoenix membership offers:
• Gold Loan service
• Smiths and Enchanters.
• Artifact leasing network.
• Team battles with a strong cummunity
• Tactics to make every second easier.
• Faction Reference shown in our forum
• Custom Avatars to make you stand out.

So what are you waiting for? Join now.

Thank you for reading. For more information visit use:
closed by Lord magicboy (2010-02-07 16:48:17)
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