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Author[Buy] Meteorite Shards {Check my prices first!}
I buy Meteorite Shards for 2.7k.
To transfer, follow the guide below:

1. Go to Transfer on your character page, if you're having trouble, here is the link: https://www.lordswm.com/el_transfer.php

2. (If you didn't follow my link) Click the Transfer elements as the bottom of the transfer page.

3. Enter character name:-Wulf-

4. Specify the elements(*Meteorite Shards*), Specify the Transaction Price, and specify the Full price of the transaction.

5. In the description, Type in "X meteorites for XXX"

X = # of shards.
XXX = Price of transaction.

6. Then click the "Transfer to receiver's disposal"

7. Click Transfer and you're all set!
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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