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AuthorHow manyu Valentine's cards have u recieved?
now i've got 17 and i havce sent 17
got 6 now..:D
still 0...:(
send lazy one and you'll surely get one in return.. :p
begging for cards...... Do you need love that desperate?
Valentine's card for Empire has been sent!
begging for cards...... Do you need love that desperate?
I think thier aim is not finding love but becoming the valentines of the year..
I think thier aim is not finding love but becoming the valentines of the year..
Apart from your name on line 64 in the next announcement, there is no reward for it......so... even though when they win, no one will notice.
Admins didnt even wrote an announcement for this valentine card sending thing.....We have to link the new players to last years announcement (rofl)
No one love's me , i got 0 :)))
0 ... but will send for EMPIRE and all my BROS ^^
0 ... but will send for EMPIRE and all my BROS ^^

Thats creepy..
Thats creepy..

0. and i don't need it.
i got none send me some and i send u back :D
i got 7..:D
The love is flowing and I hope all will give some and get some ;)
i got 2 from same person ;)
Who one last year?
a big big zero :{
n will remain a zero :P
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