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Authorcheater player __bigbang__
i have a friend in real and lordswm,__bigbang__. now i realized that he is the greatest cheater ever born in this world. i have posted a complain in clans topic- "#514 born elite clan leader cheater".u read that first this man __bigbang__ has also cheated a lot more people. he has hacked the account of a player sarthak who is also my real life friend.__bigbang__ has took his sword of might of sarthak without permission and has returned back after 2 battles.he has an alt frozen_fire which has transfer with his main and has joined the clan which is against the general rules.__bigbang__ has assigned all posts to his alt frozen_fire.he has deposited 5000 golds and has withdrawn 10000 golds from the clan. i was the co-leader of the clan and had given__bigbang__ 17500 golds to him to buy the clan
born elite.i have also deposited golds nearly 7000 golds in the clan now when i saw the clan balance it was ZERO.now i have lost all my golds and the golds were all eaten up by that idiot __bigbang__ and frozen_fire.pls pls help me guys reading my complain and pls help me regaining my golds or if
administration or empire is reading this pls block __bigbang__ which would satisfy my mind.

block __bigbang__ = regaining 24500 golds.
5. To make an application one should post the necessary links (battlechat.php/warlog.php/cgame.php, nick of the defendant, player's transfer protocol, etc.). The more clear and brief your thought is - the faster application will be considered.

Player profile links, gogeta,big,then frozen

They are listed as brothers, not 'mults' and there is no way to prove that they are the same person since they use the same i.p as family.

03-10-10 04:28: __bigbang__ has returned an item: "Sword of might" [45/80]
03-09-10 13:26: Transferred item(s): 'Sword of might' [47/80] to be returned until 03-04-10 13:26 ; for 25 battles to __bigbang__ . Transaction price: 200 Gold
There is a transaction price and they appear to be pals, unless the i.p crosses there are no violations.

02-27-10 11:06: Transferred 17500 Gold to __bigbang__ : for our joint clan
02-27-10 11:03: Received 17500 Gold from frozen_fire : take your golds back
02-27-10 10:53: Transferred 17500 Gold to frozen_fire : for our joint clan
03-04-10 04:56: Transferred 17500 Gold to __bigbang__ : for our joint clan
03-02-10 09:24: Received 17500 Gold from __bigbang__ : take your golds back
Apparently you were pushing it on them, at that point you cannot really blame bigbang if he simply sent the gold to empire just to not deal with you.

Clan log

Clan funds are meant to be used for services for the clan so they may use as nessecary.

Also note that gogeta_ss4 is unfamilular with the forum rules and likely the general rules, aswell as he has a alarming number of 'diffrent people' using 'one computer' most of witch happen to have simular names for no apparent reason. E.x gotenks_ss4 gogeta_ss4 vegeta_ss4 gohan_ss4 Majin_buu hardy_boys.
(gogeta also happens to be a farily big hardy boys fan, he even has part of his photo album dedicated to them.)

16. Game Administration is not an instrument of vengence to your offender. Characters caught creating topics like "I think there’s something wrong here – check him!" to retaliate at someone will be banned.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // even admin wont ask your pass, no 3rd party comments]
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // no 3rd party comments]
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // no 3rd party comments in CaA]
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