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AuthorRising Phoenix Scam Issue, True Story
:O well, u maybe correct but how do we know u got frm a trusted source? Since ur his cousin, u may side him of course. Dark-minotaur is one player that I tink should never play tis game ever. He always ask people for passwords... Juz like he did when he saw my this account was rich. His very first char was lord_of_magi, n then Surse. N now dark minotaur? I thought he is not in dis game anymore since most of his accounts are blocked. How many accounts hv he so called hacked or traded and cause them to get blocked? N u know, hacking frm 42 players 1.5mil gold....... Is not correct. N now rising phoenix clan is gone.
What dark minotaur did at the first place was wrong on asking magic boy if he could trade accounts with him.And what magic boy did was also wrong on agreeing for the exchange of accounts.If dark minotaur hadn't asked for the exchange of accounts he woudn't have been hacked by magic boy.And if magic boy didn't try to hack dark minotaur he woudn't have been hacked by dark minotaur as revenge.since both have done illegal acts i think that they would probably be punished for those acts.
This was all the fault of magicboy in the first place, then dark_minotaur in the second place. They should both get blocked. Negromante should also get blocked, he gave away the clan and the gold that we got back together. He divided the money between him and another player.

P.S.: this is one of the last posts that I will make in the matter of Rising Phoenix.

Rising Phoenix: R.I.P.
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