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Author#614 fun world
well i guess i reminded all that not to join this clan as the leader lightas and burbuilukas are hackers i would like to tell all clan members to leave the clan and if you dont beilive me then check the log of the clan
they hacked many players and they take all your gold i can only warn all the lords in the game so please dont join this clan
and they just got their new victim lubu67 100k gold has been trasferred and clan leasdership has also been take from that player i wish this doesnt happen with all other players
and one more thing we have reported lightas many times but why did the admins didnt block him they shuld take srious steps and block him or fine him fo 5,000,000 gold !!!!!
please admins take serious steps against lightas and his multis for multis admins can contact me !!
OTHERS PLAERS DONT JOIN THE CLAN and clan members leave the clan

with regards
- dhruvr
clan page :
admins i was not sure where to post my thread so i posted it here :)
well you can change the place of my thread
[Player banned by moderator Erebes until 2010-04-14 18:40:22 // Clan threads are in clan forums . Do not try to bump your topic . Warning ban .]
[Post deleted by moderator Erebes // Use Complaint forums .]
[Player banned by moderator Erebes until 2010-04-15 15:28:37 // Use proper forums next time . Warning Ban .]
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